DAV Explorer ACL Reports

DAV Explorer provides the four different ACL reports specified in RFC 3744, which can be selected from the Access Control menu:

Access Control Menu

Principal-Property-Set Report

To retrieve a report of the properties of a selected resource, first select the resource, and then select the "Principal-Property-Set Report" entry of the Access Control menu.

DAV Explorer then asks for the properties to report:

Select Properties Dialog

In this dialog, the left list shows the available properties, and the right list shows the selected properties. Properties in the left list can be selected and added to the right list using the right arrow button ("=>"). Properties can be removed from the right list by selecting them and pressing the left arrow button ("<=").

DAV Explorer then retrieves the requested properties and shows the Principal-Property-Set dialog:

View Principal-Property-Set Dialog

Principal-Match Report

To retrieve a report listing resources that are principals and match the current user, first select the collection, and then select the "Principal-Match Report" entry of the Access Control menu.

DAV Explorer then asks for the principal to match:

Select Principals Dialog

The Properties tab of the dialog asks for the properties to report:

Select Properties Dialog

In this dialog, the left list shows the available properties, and the right list shows the selected properties. Properties in the left list can be selected and added to the right list using the right arrow button ("=>"). Properties can be removed from the right list by selecting them and pressing the left arrow button ("<=").

DAV Explorer then retrieves the requested properties and shows the Principal-Match dialog:

View Principal-Match Dialog

Principal-Property-Search Report

To retrieve a report listing principals whose properties match the search criteria specified in the request, first select the collection, and then select the "Principal-Property-Search Report" entry of the Access Control menu.

DAV Explorer then asks for the search criteria:

Select Search Criteria Tab

Clicking on the "Add" button opens a new dialog to select the search criteria:

Select Search Criteria Dialog

In this dialog, the left list shows the available properties, and the right list shows the selected properties. Properties in the left list can be selected and added to the right list using the right arrow button ("=>"). Properties can be removed from the right list by selecting them and pressing the left arrow button ("<=").

The Properties tab of the dialog asks for the properties to report:

Select Properties Dialog

Like in the search criteria dialog, the left list shows the available properties, and the right list shows the selected properties. Properties in the left list can be selected and added to the right list using the right arrow button ("=>"). Properties can be removed from the right list by selecting them and pressing the left arrow button ("<=").

DAV Explorer then retrieves the requested properties and displays them:

View Principal Properties Dialog

Principal-Search-Property-Set Report

To retrieve a report listing properties that may be searched using the Principal-Property-Search report, first select the collection, and then select the "Principal-Search-Property-Set Report" entry of the Access Control menu.

DAV Explorer then retrieves the requested properties and shows the Principal-Search-Property-Set dialog:

View Principal-Search-Property-Set Dialog

If the report is requested on a resource that doesn't support it, DAV Explorer reports the error:

View Principal-Search-Property-Set Error Dialog

Access Control Home Owner/Group Info User Privileges ACL Restrictions
Inherited ACLs Get or modify ACLs ACL Reports

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Last updated: November 21, 2005